Psychotropic Side Effects of Commonly Prescribed Medications in the Elderly
- A Cell Phone in a Pill Bottle, to Text You to Remember Your Meds
- A Mother's Death Tested Reporter's Thinking About End-Of-Life Care
- A story to promote empathy in dementia care
- Amyloid predicts cognitive decline better than APOE
- Antipsychotics can be safely withdrawn: Cochrane review
- At 75, would Popeye still be able to take on Bluto?
- Chemical 'clock' tracks ageing more precisely than ever before
- China passes law requiring people to visit their elderly parents or risk being sued by them
- Common psychosocial stressors in middle-aged women related to longstanding distress and increased risk of Alzheimer's disease: a 38-year longitudinal population study
- Concerns over rising psychotropic drug use
- Does Being a Bookworm Boost Your Brainpower in Old Age?
- Early Cognitive Problems Documented Among Those Who Eventually Get Alzheimer's
- Encore Careers
- Four Lifestyle Changes Will Protect Your Heart and Significantly Reduce Your Risk of Death
- Just 2 Months' Exposure to Anticholinergics Affects Cognitionauline
- Late life suicide prevention toolkit
- Lifelong Brain-Stimulating Habits Linked to Lower Alzheimer's Protein Levels
- Lifelong Brain-Stimulating Habits Linked to Lower Alzheimer's Protein Levels
- Lifestyle Changes May Lengthen Telomeres, a Measure of Cell Aging
- Major Step towards Alzheimer’s Vaccine
- My Name is Anxiety
- One Man Lost and Impaired, the Other Fearful and Armed
- Personality influences dementia risk
- Psychotropic Side Effects of Commonly Prescribed Medications in the Elderly
- Release of Translating Innovation to Impact: Evidence-based interventions to support people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers at home and in their communities
- Repairing Bad Memories
- Resveratrol Shows Promise to Protect Hearing, Cognition
- Staying Independent in Old Age, With a Little Help
- Studies of older adults' preferences for psychotherapy
- The New, Nasty Sibling Rivalry
- Use It or Lose It: Molecular Mechanism for Why a Stimulating Environment Protects Against Alzheimer's Disease
- WA student uses Xbox for aged monitoring