35 Year Study Finds Exercise Reduces Risk of Dementia

A Risk in Caring for Abusive Parents

A cup of coffee a day may keep retinal damage away, study shows

Aged Care needs to be more "Adult" about Sexuality

Alzheimer's Australia launches video challenging Aussies to end dementia stigma and create dementia-friendly communities

Assertive Community Treatment for Elderly Patients With Severe Mental Illness

Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End

Benzodiazepine use may raise risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Broader definition of successful aging could influence research, clinical practice and health policy

Dementia Resources - new from American Psychological Association

First-generation antipsychotic use correlated to hospitalization

Guidelines for the Prevention of Stroke in Women

Having a sense of purpose may add years to your life

How a Woman’s Personality May Double Her Alzheimer’s Risk

Initiatives to Motivate Change: A Review of Theory and Practice and Their Implications for Older Adults

Knowing Alzheimer's Risk Status Affects Memory Performance

Late starters' still have much to gain by exercising

Memory Slips May Signal Increased Risk of Dementia Years Later

Middle-Aged People With Diabetes Are Particularly Vulnerable to Cognitive Impairment

Movie about Glen Campbell and his perseverance in spite of Alzheimer's disease

New Alzheimer's-related memory disorder identified

New Scientist Article on Dementia

New compound developed that may have treatment potential for Alzheimer's disease

New database helps clinicians, researchers find instruments to detect cognitive impairment in older adults

Newest APA Public Interest blog: Memory and Aging: Fears, Fallacies and Facts

Overweight not linked with higher risk of mortality in older adults.

Physical activity helps maintain mobility in older adults

Program to Reverse Memory Loss Targets Lifestyle

Reading glasses should be a staple supply at facilities treating seniors, a psychiatrist suggests


Self-rated physical fitness in midlife an indicator of dementia risk

Senior Care Technology

Spectacular Salsa - Paddy & Nico

The Demographics of Ageing

Unemployment found to make us age prematurely

Up to 80 per cent of dementia patients in aged care facilities restrained with psychotropic drugs: report

Vision problems increase the risk of death in older people

Watch retirees' version of Pharrell Williams' Happy video

World Elder Abuse Day

Young blood recharges old brains