Professor Jon Adams

Professor Jon Adams
Professor of Public Health, Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, University of Technology Sydney
Senior Fellow, International Brisbane Initiative, Department of Primary Health Care, University of Oxford
NHMRC Career Development Fellow
Executive Director, Network of Researchers in the Public Health of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NORPHCAM) (
National Convenor, Special Interest Group ‘Evidence, Research and Policy in Complementary Medicine’ Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA)
Associate Editor, Complementary Therapies in Medicine
Associate Editor, Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies
Associate Editor, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Regional Editor (Australasia), European Journal of Integrative Medicine
International Advisory Board Member, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
International Advisory Board Member, Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine
Prof Jon Adams interests are in qualitative and mixed-methods health research design and older people's use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), self-care and utilisation of conventional care services. He also has a background in family-care giving for people living with dementia in culturally and linguistically diverse communities and is well acquainted with the use of CAM for dementia and older people's wellbeing.
Jon is leading a national team of researchers exploring complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use within the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (since 2002). Prof Adams has been leading and conducting research into older women's use of CAM and conventional services for both general health and wellbeing and specific conditions and symptoms of cancer and depression.
Prof Jon Adams has authored in excess of 145 academic, peer-reviewed publications over the last 11 years including 6 edited international research books and 120 peer-reviewed journal articles, Jon has been awarded in excess of $6M in NHMRC, ARC and PHCRED external grant funding and he currently leads an NHMRC grant to examine both the experiences and perceptions of family care-givers for people living with dementia in culturally and linguistically diverse communities as well as the perceptions and experiences of their health care providers. Prof Adams is also a Chief Investigator on an NHMRC grant to examine the health status and health seeking behaviour of older men and women in Australia.