13 June 2023 12:00pm–2:00pm

Are you an HDR student researching, or thinking about embarking on research, in the area of ageing and want to know more about applying for funding in this area? Then join the online Healthy Ageing Initiative HDR Research Workshop on Tuesday 13 June.




This workshop will discuss applying for grants to work with older adult populations. Topics covered during the workshop will include 

  • What grant opportunities are out there?
  • What does writing a grant involve?
  • Do I need to involve consumers in my grant? How would I do this?
  • What does a successful grant application look like?
  • Early-Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) reflections on the grant writing process

This workshop is discipline-agnostic, whatever field you are in, if research with older adults is your interest, this workshop is for you. 

Find out more about the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences' Healthy Ageing Initiative.

About Healthy Ageing Initiative HDR research workshops

Are you an HDR student researching, or thinking about embarking on research, in the area of ageing?

Come along to a Healthy Ageing Initiative HDR Research Workshop to learn more.