Articles from the AMI Listserve are ordered according to those that were most recently distributed in the year 2013.

A Cell Phone in a Pill Bottle, to Text You to Remember Your Meds

A Mother's Death Tested Reporter's Thinking About End-Of-Life Care

A story to promote empathy in dementia care

Amyloid predicts cognitive decline better than APOE

Antipsychotics can be safely withdrawn: Cochrane review

At 75, would Popeye still be able to take on Bluto?

Chemical 'clock' tracks ageing more precisely than ever before

China passes law requiring people to visit their elderly parents or risk being sued by them

Common psychosocial stressors in middle-aged women related to longstanding distress and increased risk of Alzheimer's disease: a 38-year longitudinal population study

Concerns over rising psychotropic drug use

Does Being a Bookworm Boost Your Brainpower in Old Age?

Early Cognitive Problems Documented Among Those Who Eventually Get Alzheimer's

Encore Careers

Four Lifestyle Changes Will Protect Your Heart and Significantly Reduce Your Risk of Death

Just 2 Months' Exposure to Anticholinergics Affects Cognitionauline

Late life suicide prevention toolkit

Lifelong Brain-Stimulating Habits Linked to Lower Alzheimer's Protein Levels

Lifelong Brain-Stimulating Habits Linked to Lower Alzheimer's Protein Levels

Lifestyle Changes May Lengthen Telomeres, a Measure of Cell Aging

Major Step towards Alzheimer’s Vaccine

My Name is Anxiety

One Man Lost and Impaired, the Other Fearful and Armed

Personality influences dementia risk

Psychotropic Side Effects of Commonly Prescribed Medications in the Elderly

Release of Translating Innovation to Impact: Evidence-based interventions to support people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers at home and in their communities

Repairing Bad Memories

Resveratrol Shows Promise to Protect Hearing, Cognition

Staying Independent in Old Age, With a Little Help

Studies of older adults' preferences for psychotherapy

The New, Nasty Sibling Rivalry

Use It or Lose It: Molecular Mechanism for Why a Stimulating Environment Protects Against Alzheimer's Disease

WA student uses Xbox for aged monitoring